what is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical techniques originating in China over 2,500 years ago. Today, what most people refer to as acupuncture is really the profession of East Asian Medicine (EAM), which includes multiple therapeutic practices. Acupuncturists may use a wide variety of techniques including herbal medicine, Eastern nutrition, cupping therapy and movement therapy in addition to acupuncture. EAM views illness as an imbalance in the body and applies multiple modalities to strengthen and re-balance the system. It is especially useful as preventative medicine.
The technique of acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile, single-use and disposable needles into specific points on the body located along myofascial and energetic channels. Upon insertion, the acupuncturist may gently manipulate the needles to help direct the body’s healing ability. Needle insertion may feel like a “mosquito bite” followed by a dull ache, both of which are normal sensations and subside after a short time. A patient can expect to feel sensations such as heaviness, warmth or tingling while the needles are inserted, but not pain.
Needles are retained for approximately 30 minutes, and patients receive anywhere from 6-20 needles based on the condition being treated. Most patients describe a state of deep relaxation during and after treatment.
Acupuncture works by stimulating the body’s natural capacity for healing while treatments cumulatively tip the body back toward homeostasis. There are many benefits to consistent acupuncture therapy. Some of them include:
Improved circulation by stimulating the local blood vessels to dilate and bring blood flow to the region enhancing recovery
Decreased inflammation by stimulating immune system cells
Stress reduction by decreasing cortisol secretion
A balanced nervous system by regulating heart rate, breathing and hormone secretion
Pain relief by stimulating the brain to release chemicals called opiates
All of the above are at the roots of chronic disease. By using acupuncture along with herbal medicine and nutrition therapy, one greatly reduces and prevents the possibility of chronic illness.
A course of treatment is between 5 and 10 treatments depending upon how quickly the body responds to the therapies. Some patients feel immediate reduction in their symptoms, while others take longer to respond; an acute condition may require fewer treatments, while a chronic issue may require more. Acupuncture treatments work cumulatively, so the initial few sessions should be sequenced as close together as possible.
After the course of treatment, the practitioner and patient will then discuss setting up a “maintenance treatment schedule” to continue to foster healing. Treatments last approximately 60 minutes, while an initial visit lasts 90 minutes. Visits include discussing health conditions & wellness goals, along with the acupuncture treatment itself. The practitioner will further design customized herbal formulas and an Eastern nutritional plan for the client.
Circulatory disorders
Digestive problems
Emotional and physcological disorders
Immune disorders
Fertility and reproductive disorders
Respiratory disorders
Urinary disorders
What are the benefits?
Improved circulation
Decreased inflammation
Stress reduction
Balanced nervous system
Pain relief
Hormone balance
Improved immune function
“I’ve been seeing Ali for the past 10 months for herbal medicine for immunity. It’s been incredible! Up until now, I could typically expect to get a major illness that would take me out for over a week about 4-6 times per year. This year I’ve had more healthy days and the two times I’ve had a cold, it’s lasted maybe 48 hours. ”
if you are interested in trying acupuncture or simply want to learn more, please do not hesitate reach out!
It is best to reach out via text or email, but you are welcome to call and leave a voicemail if you prefer!